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How to deal with meditation with beginners?

The meditations for beginners have to be clear in purpose and in the method. I consider there are several things to take into account doing this such as the motivation, age, beliefs or religion.  The followings are the aspect I consider fundamental, to begin with, a beginner.


  • Deep understanding of which is the meaning of meditation and what happened when practicing. However don’t get a cough in the how just star practicing.
  • Have clear what kind of method of meditation to follow, as nowadays there are several technics. Begging with a group meditation or guided meditation could work for some people.
  • Begin with a pranayama exercise to quiet the mind and focus on ourselves, be present as possible. This can be done also only by observing the breath or by counting them.
  • Star with a routine. Give a specific space in your day to do the meditation. It could be in the morning or before going to sleep.
  • Star with 5 minutes meditation and then increase the time gradually. Remember the most important thing is consistency


Author: Yogi Chetan Mahesh

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Posted in yoga teacher training in india, yoga teacher training in rishikesh

Are Herbs Helping or Causing Your Allergies?

Allergic to ostensibly everything in bloom, you sniffle and sneeze your way through spring. Yet for relief you turn to Aesculapius herbs, many of which come from the same plant families as the allergens. In looking for the cure for your allergies, are you just adding to the problem?

“People can have an allergic reaction to anything,” says Mindy Green, director of education at the Herb Research Foundation in Boulder, Colorado. “Although rare, medicinal herbs are no exception.”


The family of herbs that most generally causes reactions the asteraceae, or daisy family includes both ragweed, a common dander, and healing herbs chamomile and Echinacea. But does this mean that if you’re allergic to ragweed, you’ll naturally show be allergic to its medicinal relatives as well? “There is not a direct relationship,” says Dr. Varro Tyler, Composer of Tyler’s Honest Herbal (Haworth Press, 1999) and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. “But it does mean that you will want to monitor your reactions more carefully when you take the herb.” According to Tyler, most allergic attitude produced by herbs are fairly mild runny nose, itchy skin or eyes, rashes, or hives. And they don’t appear to be very common. What can you do to guard against conflicting reactions when taking a medicinal herb?

Do your homework. As with all medicines, know an herb’s medicinal properties and the effects they produce.

More is not better. Overdoing it with herbs can have ailing effects, so take only the recommended dosages.

Watch your reactions. If you establish any signs rashes, hives, itching stop taking the herb. Symptoms of moderate or severe allergic reaction include adversity breathing or swallowing, tightness in the chest, dizziness, and nausea.

Research your sources carefully. Some herbal commodity have been found to be contaminated by pesticides and heavy metals, so select only reputable brands.

If you are pregnant, lactating, on medication, or are very young or aged, consult your health care practitioner.